45 Min Reiki Session w/Intention Setting
Reiki with Intention Setting
Service Description
During an in-person Reiki session, hands are placed over, near or on top of the body – Reiki however, is not a massage. Results from your session may include deep relaxation, reduction in stress and anxiety, physical pain relief, a feeling of mental clarity, grounding, peacefulness, and a sense of knowing – knowing more about your life’s path, knowing more about what’s available for your healing journey, and much more. Our bodies receive messages every moment of the day. As you drive down the road you are inundated with media messages, commercials, images, etc. Why not take that same concept and send specific messages to your body? With the addition of Intention Setting, there is focus on sending messages to our body – hope, encouragement, releasing that which no longer serves us, etc. Whatever intention our body needs to hear at that moment. Throughout your Reiki session, we are gauging what messages your mind, body, and soul are needing to hear and we are setting intentions based on the energy of the session. gy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. A technique through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing
Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel or reschedule, please allow 24 hours' notice. Please contact me directly in the event you need to cancel or reschedule any services.
Contact Details
2048 Overland Avenue, Billings, MT, USA